Recurring donations keeps our shelter going all year long!
Janine Shirey, Darlene Muncy, Emily Smith, Barbara Sparks, Debbie Bonham, Jennifer Heine, Denise Huston, Cara Schwarzkopf, Cheryl Angle, Mandy Taylor, Maria VanVreede, Tarrin Bost, Diane Hammond,
Joann Futrell in Memory of Glenn Smith
Truman Stevens, Sharon Butler, Steve and Sharon Terhune, Troop 01823-Trinity McLaughlin, Anna Geiger, Michael Dayton, Earl Kenneth Parson, Don Rogers, Dave Rogers
Diane Hammond, Tracy Godfrey, Donna Casterline Edgington, Sue Halsey Bogan, April Lear, Chris Scott, Barbara Schaaf Sparks, Kimberly Anne Warowjtz Yencer, Janet & Bob Armstrong, Jennifer Green, Jennifier Dawson, Beth Eppard Wall, Debra Barrick, Rita Rhoades, Rhonda Mehrley McNeal, Teri Jones, Tricia Nelson, Mariah Myers Bennett, Misti Crull, Don Rogers, Addie Johnson, Amanda Baker, Angie Overla, Alexis Currier, Beth Franklin Elliott, Chris Schwaiger Marden, Jason May, Christy Bernardin, Amy Fisher, Rachel Slone, Sarah St Myer, LaTisha Hight, Shelly Coons, Kathleen Marie, Helen Wyatt, Teresa Conner, Terry Lee Perkins, Melissa Jones, Allison King, Mary Jo & Jeff Meyers, Barbara Brock, Pamela Williams, Denise Neff, Margaret Finckbone, Betty Stump, Susan Collins, Kristen & Caroline Whitehair, Betty Stump, Jerry and Susan Collins, David & Denise Neff, Karen Bergdoll
The pets at BCAS love seeing those Chewy boxes being delivered because they know they contain treats, toys and other items that supports our shelter. Unfortunately, BCAS does not receive any information about the donor with the donation so we have no way to personally thank you. For everyone who has donated to the shelter via Chewy, please accept this big THANK YOU! We appreciate your support so much! If a donor notifies us that they sent a Chewy donation then we will do a post on facebook showing our gratitude.
Please note that this page is under construction. Our website is updated by volunteers who have jobs, families and other commitments. Please be patient while we create this page. This page will grow as we gather the information from our records to post. We do our best to keep it current but errors do happen. If you made a donation and do not see your name here, then please reach out to us at and we will get it corrected.
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