As 2021 ends and a new year begins, we are hopeful that people will take pet ownership seriously and alter their pets to reduce the number of homeless pets. We wish every pet could have a loving forever home and a lifetime commitment from their human family.
We thank all our supporters for your un-wavering dedication and commitment to a humane vision for Blackford County as a whole. Your donations to our shelter and residents help sustain our existence and continue our commitment to displaced animals.
However, the new year will bring some challenging changes for animal welfare within some entities in Blackford County.
Our little shelter is partially funded by the governmental bodies in our county. While Blackford County Animal Shelter has contracted to all areas of the county for many years, this will not continue in 2022. Some are questioning the need for humane animal care and control in the future. This will mean an uncertain future for displaced or mistreated animals in these areas of Blackford County. As we struggle to keep our shelter afloat, our county is divided in their commitment to support Blackford County Animal Shelter in caring for animals.
The City of Montpelier has chosen to discontinue support for Blackford County Animal Shelter as animal control. In doing so we regret that we will no longer continue to serve the citizens and animals in the City of Montpelier. What this means is BCAS will no longer assist with animal calls, welfare checks, trap neuter release (TNR), pet food assistance or low cost spay and neuter assistance for Montpelier residents.
This will come to an end January 1, 2022.
This division within our small county will have a devastating impact on needy animals in the area no longer contracted or contributing to the ongoing efforts of BCAS.
If you are a resident of the City of Montpelier and find yourself in need of any of these services please contact your Mayor, City Council, Police, or dispatch for help.
If you so choose you may voice your concern regarding this decision by your elected officials by letting them know this decision is unacceptable.
The animals of your area are the ones that will suffer by not knowing who will be responsible for their fate.
Our animal loving supporters among you have always stepped up to fulfill any shelter need such as food, litter, bedding, cleaning supplies and emergency vet care when our residents are in need. Our dedicated shelter staff, volunteers and supporters are the “Shelter Angels” we rely on to be the voice for animals. We thank each of you for your support.
We are saddened that a part of our county is moving backward in a Humane Vision for animals.
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